Ma's Tea House

Own a Shop

Co-Ownership Model

Upfront Fee

Ma’s Tea House (parent company) + co-owner will split the initial upfront investment fee after meeting. Lower the initial fee, the better. Depends on location and experience.

Legal Fee:

Ma’s Tea House (parent company) will advise on how to setup business LLC and legal aspects. Co-Owner will be paying for legal fees. Ma’s Tea House will not be paying legal fees. Must create a business LLC. 


Ma’s Tea House (parent company): will be more hands on in building business together with co-owner

-must see location prior to lease signing and buildout

-must see business plan

-must have return in $ investment since it is a partnership

-parent company will manage technical + consultation aspects of business

-Co-owner will manage day-to-day operations +hiring +marketing aspects of business + any adhoc services

-Both parent company + co-owner will manage, monitor, and grow financials together

Brand Name Maintenance Fee:

1% trademark name to maintain logo and business name all year long (will speak more in consultation)

Creativity + Flexibility

Leeway for Creativity and Cultural Product Placement: Co-Owners can add in their own cultural products after approval from parent company.

-must be profitable
-be legal
-healthy based
-market fit
-higher margin

Performance checks + any ad hoc monitoring: performance reviews monthly. Ad hoc meetings if anything comes up and needs help, efficiency, and extra monitoring.

Disclaimer: This is proprietary information. Must not be reproduced, sold, marketed without consent from Ma’s Tea House

Franchisee / franchise model

Franchisee Has Leadership + Direction for Its Location

Franchisee Upfront Investment Fee + Legal Fees: will put her/his own funding + has more control/autonomy to run brand. Must create a LLC. Ma’s Tea House will not be putting any additional funding in the buildout and operations of the shop.

Upfront Investment Fee

Initiation fee: 1 time fee between $3000-$5000 for consultation (depends how long it takes to create your store)

Initial Training fee: To be determined. Based on scheduling, hours, and depth. We can discuss more in-person and/or online

Disclaimer: This is proprietary information. Must not be reproduced, sold, marketed without consent from Ma’s Tea House 

Growth Support

Franchise fee for Ma’s Tea House:

– 1% for 1st year  gross sales

-2% for 2nd year  gross sales

-3% for 3rd year  gross sales